We have more information for you here in the resources section that supplements and expands on the text in Design to Touch.

At left you will find links to the textbook index, a glossary that corresponds with the terms that have been set in bold in the text, and a bibliography of books and websites that were put to use to develop content for the book and cited in the text. The bibliography also includes books and websites to inspire further reading. We will continue to add to the books and sites listing because learning never ends, really.

This resources section also includes an engraving timeline that adds to the information on engraving history found in the text and an alphabetical index with links to the generous creative directors and designers who have contributed images of their engraved work - without whom there would be no Design to Touch!

For faculty, teachers, and instructors who have purchased 10 or more copies of Design to Touch and have received their site password, we have included additional resources for you. They include suggested course syllabus, information on using the textbook in the classroom, a video of the process, as well as additional creative briefs for a variety of identity, branding, and typographic applications.

Once your students have read the book and understand how to design with engraving in mind - they can enter our competition with a chance to win an engraved business card and scholarships!


Artist, designer, educator